True facts about water

Around 60% of an adult’s body weight is water. We need water for digestion and the elimination of waste products. In a lifetime, each person is estimated to drink about 40000 liters (about 8750 gallons) of water both drink and food supply water. Water flushes our bladder and kidney infections and improves our bladder complexion by washing out the body’s waste products.
In recent years.  Sale of bottled waters and of water filters have increased dramatically, reflecting public worries over the quality of tap water.
Drinking boiled water is best option to have water.
Where we get out water from :-> Some times many people do not drink water, but fruits and vegetables provide most of this additional fluid, but small amounts of water comes  from bread and dairy products.

  1. ·         Drinks, including water, squashes, tea coffee, alcoholic and fizzy drinks supply about    62% of water in our daily fluid intake while the best source of liquid consumption is intake of pure as well as direct water
  2. ·         Milk ,milk shakes and yoghurt provide 10% of dietary fluids
  3. ·         8% of fluid comes from bread and cereals in our diet.
  4. ·         Meat, fish, eggs and pulses supply 2% of our fluid form of water.
  5. ·         Fruits and vegetables supply around 8% of an adult’s daily fluid intake.
  6. ·         Salad leaves around 95% water and watermelon 99%.

People who drink too little water may suffer form headaches and poor concentration. But it is difficult to drink too much water. If a lot of water is taken in a very short period of time it can cause life threatening symptoms which are similar to those of being drunk.
To ensure that our water is safe to drink, the British Government has introduced Water quality Regulations, which I believe should be regularized in all the countries around the globe.
Sometimes tap water has undetectable chlorine (with naked eye) odour. If you smell a suspicious odour of any kind so to clarify your doubt you can fill a jug with water leave it in the refrigerator for about an hour or so, and the smell of chlorine will usually disappear. If tap water looks cloudy or has small particles floating in it, the reason could be that work is being carried out on nearby mains. As a rule your water authority will inform you when such work is planned and will suggest that you run the tap until the water clears. Otherwise you can boil the water for several minutes and allow it to stand do that any sediment sinks to the bottom. Then decant if carefully so that you leave the sediment behind. as far as I suggest we should never drink direct of tap water and should always consume purified, filtered or boiled water.
Most of the infections in human body are the result of intake of infected water so while having water in any form we should take care about this fact that the water we are consuming is pure and infection free. Water is vital for our life thus consumption of water in our day to day life should be prefixed and determined in quantity so to prevent ourselves from diseases and infections.

Heart disease: Fight heart disease with healthier diet

If we have a habit of safe and healthy eating it can prevent us from heart disease because diet controls our disease, Britain still has one of the highest rates of heart disease in the world. More than 3000000 Britons suffer heart attacks each year. A disproportionate number of these people live in Scotland and the north of England where traditionally diets are high in saturated fats and low in fresh vegetables. Sometimes heavy coffee drinking may cause high blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of heart disease. But the antioxidants present in fruit and vegetables may help in the fight against coronary heart disease. Most people, however, bring about their own moderate increase in blood cholesterol levels. By consuming too many saturated fats, or by becoming obese. The risk posed by obesity can be reversed by losing weight, because weight loss is usually accompanied by a fall in blood cholesterol levels. This does not include crash dieting but heart problems are often hereditary. Some we can control-such as the food we eat, the habits we adopt and the exercise we do it improves our health. So we should take care of ourselves.

Among the major factors known to increase the risk of heart disease are raised blood cholesterol levels, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes. In both men and women, the risk of coronary heart disease rises rapidly with increasing age. Heart disease tends to run in families, so that if either parent, a brother or a sister suffered a heart attack before the age of 55.
1.       Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as part of your diet. The antioxidant vitamins they contain help to prevent arteries from becoming furred up.
2.       Regular exercise not only keeps obesity and thrombosis at bay, but encourages blood circulation.
3.       Take one or two glasses of wine may benefit your heart.
4.       Smoking and excessive consumption of alcohol are two habits to avoid.
5.       Recently American research seems to show that the more green vegetables you eat, the less likely you are to develop heart problems
6.       Eating moderate amounts of nuts-especially walnuts and almonds which are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids can also reduce coronary risk and can lower blood cholesterol.

7.       Studies show that preparations based on raw onion or garlic juice help to reduce blood cholesterol levels and blood pressure.
This is the main thing that depends upon our eating habits. We should think before eating.
Which type of food we should take, it’s very important for our health.

Some protection is afforded to women during the menopause and afterwards from hormone replacement therapy, which lowers blood cholesterol levels and thus reduces the risk of heart attack. Nevertheless, statistically, older women are still more likely to die of heart disease than from any other single cause.


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