with diabetes?
Perplexed as to weather to eat fruits, which ones and how many?
Fruits are a fantastic source of vitamins, minerals and fibre and are a must for
all inducing diabetics
. Nutritionists suggest that if the sugar levels are in
control, diabetics can have fruits daily in a limited quantity. However, before
we get to the list of fruits you can consume, lets learn about something
important that determines which foods and fruits can be eaten safely.
The lower of foods Gl or glycemic load, that much
lesser it affects spiking that much lesser it affects spiking of blood sugar and
insulin levels. Here are GI fruits that you can enjoy regularly, stress free, if
you a diabetic.
1. AM LA:-> Powerhouse of vitamin C
2. APPLE:-> A small apple is
good fruit choice, it has GI of 39 which is reasonable for diabetics with a
calorie Count of 77 calories and only 21 gm carbohydrates. Avoid peeling the
apples, the skin is full of antioxidants.
3. APRICOT:-> Rich in vitamin A, one
apricot contains just 17 calories and 4 gm of carbohydrates.
4. AVOCADO: _>
Rich in unsaturated vegetables fats I.E. the good fats, it is said to be
preventive for diabetes type 2.
5. BERRIES:-> Do not resist your urge to pop in
some berries. Blueberries, strawberries, or any other type of berries, are
diabetes super foods because they have low-GI. 3/4TH cup of fresh blueberries
has just 62 calories and 16gms carbohydrates.
6. BLACK JAMUN:-> it is known to
improve blood sugar control. Consuming powdered seeds is thought to help reduce
blood sugar.
7. CHERRIES:-> Tart cherries are a smart choice with low-GI of 20.
One cup full has 78 calories and 19 gm of carbohydrates, along with an
anti-inflammatory effect.
8. GRAPEFRUIT:-> this is a good option as it slows
down the peaking blood sugar levels.
9. GUAVA:-> Guavas have a reasonably low GI
and are rich in vitamin A and C as well.
10. JACK FRUIT:-> it’s known to improve
insulin resistance. Jack-fruit is full of calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium and
11. KIWI:-> it can be part of diabetes-friendly diet. One large kiwi
has around 56 calories and 13 gm carbohydrates.
12. ORANGE:-> one orange
suffices daily requirement of vitamin C. It has a low-GL of 40. Comes in at only
15 gm of carbohydrates and 62 calories.
!3. PEACH:-> Peach smoothies are
delicious and easy snack. The GI is as low as 42, so it makes a good place in
diabetic diet plan.
14. PEAR:-> A rich source of vitamin K and low in calories,
they are a wise addition to the diabetes meal plan.
15. PINEAPPLE:-> A thumbs up
for this fruit for diabetics. It has anti-inflammatory properties.
POMEGRANATE:-> These tiny red seeds help to improve blood sugar levels and keep
them under a tight check.
17. STAR FRUIT:-> It maintains good sugar levels but
should be avoided in diabetes with kidney complications. Be cautious with
fruits, especially litchis, custard apples, bananas, sapota. Also absolutely
steer clear of syrups, canned fruits or preserved ones with added sugar