The feel good factor provided by chocolate and sweets means that many people use confectionery as an instant life when their energy levels are low. The problem is that by relying on chocolate and sweets to get that immediate blood sugar fix, these foods can too easily become a regular part of our diet More often than not, sweets are merely a source of empty calories and can suppress the appetite for more nutritious food at mealtimes. Chocolate does have some nutritional value, but it is high in fat and so can contribute to weight gain if eaten in excessive amounts.
Nutritionally, chocolate contains some protein, variable amount of sugar and certain minerals. Plain chocolate is useful source of iron and magnesium, for example, and all chocolate contains potassium. Chocolate also contains compounds which act as mild stimulants, which may also be responsible for causing MIGRAINE in susceptible people. Because chocolate is high in fat-about-thirty percent by weight. It is also high in calories. Chocolate also contains the caffeine which increase alertness’. In addition there are some people who find eating chocolate soothing because they associate it with comfort as reward from their childhood.
How is chocolate made?
Chocolate is made from the fruit of the cacao tree which is found in South America. Indeed cocoa beans the seeds of the tree were used as a form of money by the Aztec civilization of Mexico some three thousand years ago .Chocolate confectionery is made by adding sugar additional fat and milk-in the case of milk chocolate. Cocoa beans undergo a considerable amount of processing before chocolate is produced. First they fermented and sun-dried before being bagged for export.
·          Chocolate does less harm to the teeth than other forms of sugar confectionary.
·         There is no conclusive evidence that eating chocolate causes acne as makes it worse although acne sufferers are usually advised to cut down on chocolate.
·         Sweets are a major cause of dental caries especially if consumed frequently between meals.
·         The sugar in sweets does not cause hyperactivity in children, but the caffeine in chocolate can keep some people awake at night.
·         There is no doubt that regular consumption of sugary foods and sweets and sweet drinks leads to tooth decay
·        . A small 125g bar of dark chocolate contains more caffeine than a cup of instant coffee


Stress affects the whole person body, mind, feelings and behavior. It can cause a wide range of symptoms. Among the most common is neck pain, headaches, pain in lower back, teeth girding, feeling a lump in the throat. Stress can also lead to move serious such as high blood pressure, migraine and digestive problems.
Other symptoms include a fast pulse, a thumping heart, hyperventilation, sweating, dryness of throat and mouth
                                    Common signs of stress
1.    Feel  tired most of the time
2.    Often feel close to tears.
3.    Easily snap and shout at there around you at home and work
4.    Have a reduced sex drive
5.    Find it hard to concentrate and impossible to make decision
6.    Eat when you are not hungry or skip meals altogether.
7.    Drink or smoke more to help you through the most difficult days.
8.    Feel that you cannot cope.
9.    Sleep badly?
If you answered yes to more then four of these questions, then you are stressed.
                                   Stress Relievers
1.    Eat regular and healthy meals.
2.    Take regular holidays.
3.    Avoid excessive amounts of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco.
4.    Take regular exercise.
5.    Do Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises.
6.    Consider having a pet, stroking an animal can help you to relax.
7.    Talk about your problems. A professional counselor will be able to help you to take an objective view of yourself.

Highest stress rating due to death of partner and divorce or separation, loss of job, retirement, serious ill health in the family, family arguments, small mortgage or loan..We live in a stressful world, with little time to release the tension. If stress in not rule our lives and ruin our health, we must take steps to relieve it ….using diet, exercise and relaxation. It is important to balance times of stress with periods of relaxation such as walking, playing a sport, meditating or listening to soothing music. You can make life more interesting and fulfilling. One should be a positive view of stress because stress is a normal and natural element in life. Extending your life in this way helps to keep you healthy, active and young as long as you also know how to relax.


Lipoma is an innocuous (non-threatening) improvement of fat cells that designs under the skin. It regularly appears as a fragile, simple inc...

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