TIPS FOR QUITTING SMOKING

Find yourself a very good reason to quit and engrave it in your mind. Repeat it to yourself every morning, the first thing you get up. Everyday remind yourself. When you do this consciously for a couple of days, your mind will automatically to start reminding you for your motivation as the urge comes.
YOU SHOULD JOIN ONLINE COMMUNITY:- These are tones of people around to quit. Motivate them to quit and drive motivation from them at the time. It will help you and it’s bound to help anybody. Post about your urges, read about other urges embrace members of community and their suggestions. Let them help to quit. If you find the urge intorable, let people in the community know of your moment of weakness. Make this a habit. The repeated embarrassment will help to you reduce  to  the very least, if you end up quitting, stick to the community for about 30 or 50 days and empower people with your success story.
APPLY DELAY TATICS:-> If you have an urge, apply some delay tactics.
1.EXERCISE:->  first of all you should go for a walk only for 30 minutes daily. You would be surprise how out of shape you really are. Go for a ruin in the morning. With your ruined stamina, you will realize how soon you need to quit.
2. SNAKE& DRINK WATER:-> Another way to kill the urge is to snack when the urge comes, treat yourself with the urge comes, treat yourself with any snack of your choice. You may switch to healthier food after the first two weeks.
MOMENTS OF WEAKNESS:-> Your mind will play games. When the urge strikes remind yourself of your motivation, mediate for 2 minutes and take 10 to 15 deep breaths. It is good for all of us.
 IMPORTANT TIP->  If you will drink a glass of water before or after smoke.  After some time you will quit smoke.


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